March: Trust
At the height of summer with no shortage of dry weather, I'm happy to say that the gardens are green and the birds are singing. The beauty and naturalness of our space brings me great joy.
...but on to the science. In December of 2022, I set some Science Based Targets for Nature using the as a guide. I did this to challenge myself to make Sanctuary Innerwear align even further with nature, but also as a way of challenging big fashion, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) themselves. Here I report on my progress to date. Organic Vat Target SDG #12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production (prevent or minimize the generation of hazardous wastes as part of an overall integrated cleaner production approach) SANCTUARY INNERWEAR'S TARGETS: I will eliminate the use of thiox in my indigo vats by January, 2024. I will reduce the use of thiox in my woad vats by 50% by January, 2024. My progress as of June 22, 2023: I'm lagging behind on this one. I'm intimidated by what I don't know, even after so many years of experience and regular reading and experimenting. What I read online I quickly judge for validity and value, and print off what is usable and add it to my "Information" binder for reference on dye days. I've begun a dye dye-ary to log my learning. I started a woad vat with thiox, which dyed only a very light blue, and with most of the woad particles unreduced in the vat. I tried to revive it with fructose, which only showed some signs of life for a short while, but no bloom or surface indicators. My woad plants (those that I didn't dig out) have gone to see while heavily covered in tulle, and I will harvest these from below the plants in the coming weeks. and use them next year. I have enough shoots for this year's dyeing. My indigo eventually got big enough to plant out and is resilient to the sun, even while very small. The cotton seed starting medium did not work well for the indigo seeds, and only 60% of them germinated. Above you can see the madder plants at the greenhouse stage with the cotton medium. I have 1.5 rows of indigo for my use this year. Spandex Use Target SDG #14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. I will reduce the ratio of spandex in my fabric by 50% by the end of 2023. My progress as of June 22, 2023 My order for this year's garments consisted of 96% Lenzing TENCEL and 4% spandex, and I will continue using this fabric as long as I can get it. Ecosystem Targets SDG #15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. 1. Soil Improvement Target SANCTUARY INNERWEAR'S TARGET: The amount of biomass in my garden soil will increase by 50% in the next 3 years. My progress as of June 22, 2023 All of my gardens are covered in wood chips now, which is keeping the good bugs and wter in, and the weeds out, for the most part. I've begun using compost tea as well as manure tea for watering, with good results. The plants are much shinier, and seem to appreciate the addition of healthy microbes. I'm avoiding synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and instead using the natural ways of working with plants and bugs, such as companion planting, hand removal, and pH manipulation. I've even used dog fur as a rodent/animal deterrent, and am building a scarecrow. I've changed my composting routine to include brown as well as green materials. 2. Combating Species Extinction Target SANCTUARY INNERWEAR'S TARGETS: The number of bird species will increase by 25% in the next 3 years. The area of land dedicated to medicinal plant growth and butterfly habitat will increase by 50% in the next 3 years. My progress as of June 22, 2023 The number of birds at our property has increased a great deal, according to the Merlin bird app and our observations. We installed 8 hand made birdhouses and a bat house, and at least three of those have been occupied, with a beautiful house wren serenading us outside the bedroom window each morning. We are leaving standing timber in order to attract woodpeckers, instead of "cleaning them up". Me have completed a Managed Forest Program, which includes responsible use of trees, but also planting of medicinal plants. I have planted wild ginseng by the pond in a grove of nitrogen-rich aspen. I purchased and planted a pollinator kit from Kawartha Conservation, which includes butterfly milkweed, smoke bush, bog goldenrod, and tall grasses. All in all, it is a joy watching things grow and mature in partnership with nature. I've benefited from the learning, this challenge has brought me to, and all the signs indicate that nature is responding positively as well. While my friends are already enjoying harvests, I still have to wait, but I believe my advantage will come in the long run, as my ecosystem will be less reliant on me, and will operate as it was intended. I will report back at harvest time.
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I'm the designer and creator of Sanctuary Innerwear, a line of hand made clothing worn next to the skin which imparts goodness from plants through the hand-dyed and infused fabric.
October 2024